Friday, August 29, 2008

Sick follow-up appointment

Larry took Kennedy for her check up appointment the other day to make sure her white blood cell count is where it should be. The doctor said that everything looked good and that she no longer needed to take her medication.

We noticed that her skin was starting to get rough, and she screamed when we tried to put lotion on it because of the perfumes in it. We weren't sure if she was having a reaction to her rice cereal because that was the only new thing that has been introduced to her. I have been keeping baby oil gel on her body, which seemed to help it a little...but I wanted Larry to say something to the doctor. He did prescribe a cream for her body rash. He did not think it was an allergic reaction to her rice cereal because it was isolated on certain parts of her body rather than all over. He also gave us an instant rebate coupon for the prescription so we would not have to pay for it. BONUS!

She gave Larry a belly laugh yesterday for the first time. I was picking Kaylee up from gymnastics, so I missed it. I was so jealous, but I know that I will get plenty of belly laughs in time. I am so excited about it!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

4 Month Check-Up

Kennedy went for her 4 month "well check-up" appointment on Thursday. She was feeling great and the doctor was very happy with her progress. She was due for 4 shots, and was not happy when the nurse administered them to her. We talked about introducing rice cereal and how much to give her daily. I am excited about the rice cereal so she will not be hungry as often as she is right now.

She weighed 12 lbs 3.4 ounces and was 25 inches long. We just can't believe how big she is getting. It wasn't that long ago when I was holding a 4 1/2 pound baby in my arms! Her cheeks keep getting bigger and her legs are getting rolls on is so cute!

Dr. Weneck did say that he wants to get an MRI done to check the status of the small teratoma that she still "supposedly" has. We also need to see a cardiologist to check the circulation in her legs. Her little feet are always cold and have a purple tint to them. Sometimes they are a dark tint of purple and other times they will be pink. So hopefully everything will be okay, but we need to cover our tracks and make sure that everything is working properly.

Kennedy slept through the night for the first time Thursday night! However, when we woke up Friday morning, I knew that something was wrong with Kennedy. She was extremely congested and had very glassy eyes. During her morning bottle, she ended up vomiting and then choking on her vomit because she could not breathe through her nose. We immediately called the doctor and he said to come in. They took her blood and the results showed an infection. He wrote out a prescription for her to start on, and said to come in Saturday morning for a follow-up.

We started her on the meds and she slept most of Friday evening. We let her sleep as much as she wanted so she could heal her body. I woke her up for her medication and to feed her before we went to bed, and she had no problems going back to sleep in her bassinet for the night. Starting to feel better.....she woke up for her usual 5:00 a.m. bottle! :)

Her blood was tested Saturday morning and it showed that her white blood cell count was going down, and that the medication was helping her. We are supposed to go back in 10 days to make sure the infection is gone. She is smiling again, and back to being her adorable self! Dr. Weneck thinks that she was fighting off the infection prior to the shots on Thursday...but the shots made her vulnerable for the infection to take over.

We will keep you posted on Kennedy! She is feeling a whole lot better and is almost back to normal.

Update on Larry:
He is feeling better since he finished his medication for Cat Scratch Fever. He still suffers from a 101 temperature at night, and wakes up soaked from night sweats. I keep telling him to get it checked out in case it is related to the Cat Scratch Fever...but he keeps blowing it off.

He started having extreme pain in his neck Thursday night and he went to see a Chiropractor on Friday. They took some xrays and found that his neck is straight rather than having a natural curve in it. He was put on a therapy plan for rehabilitation to get his neck back to normal. Already, he has gone from not being able to move his neck at having enough range of motion to drive. He is still having some pain, but nothing near what he felt Thursday and Friday. So the Chiropractor has done wonders for him!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Website for Fundraisers

I have created a new blogspot to post information about the fundraisers. Currently I have all the information about Sergio's Pizza on there, and I have been contacted about a couple of other fundraisers that I will post when I get all the information.

The new blog is

If you need to get a hold of our family for any reason, you can email us at

Please feel free to submit any comments, prayers for Kennedy, or any prayer requests that are weighing on your heart to the email address or even on the comment section of the blog.

God Bless!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Prayer Requests

Larry is recovering from Cat Scratch Fever right now, and is on some heavy medication for it. Yes, it is not just a's real. He was giving our cats a bath the other night and one of them bit him on his thumb. It swelled up really bad, so we went to the doctor and he gave him a medication and said to monitor it. If he got a fever and saw red streaks running up his arm, he needed to go to the emergency room. Well, the next night that is exactly what happened. He had to go to the emergency room and get evaluated there. They gave him some booster meds while he was there and prescribed him more medication to add to the other pills he was already taking. He is feeling much better now, and is not angry at Trapper for biting him. lol.

Also, JR Butcher had a little scare last week.. He had to go back into the hospital because they thought something was wrong again. To keep up on his progress, visit his blog at . After looking at his symptoms, they are talking about having another surgery. He will be able to come home on the same day of his surgery, and they think he will be fine.

Thanks for your prayers!