Saturday, December 27, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Wow, I don't know about you...but our lives have been so busy the past couple of months!!! I barely remember the month of December because things were so hectic and I was too busy running around like a crazy woman. Today was the first day I have been able to sit down, stare at the walls, and do absolutely nothing since probably the week before Thanksgiving!!

Kennedy ended up catching a cold the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and we have been at the pediatrician's office at least 10-15 times since then. From antibiotic injections, double ear infections, to drawing blood for possible blood poisoning, to breathing name it, she has been through it. To add to it, everyone in the house ended up getting sick from her! Kennedy just could not shake the sickness and the doctors were baffled. Larry figured it up, and we spent over $300 in her medication and co pays in less than a month! She just had a follow up appointment on Christmas Eve and they said she needs to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist because she still has fluid behind her ears after a month of treatment.

Kaylee and I were involved with our church's Christmas production, and that seemed to engulf so much of our time. So while we were tending to a very sick baby, fighting off our own colds, and trying to prepare for Christmas at our home....we were also memorizing lyrics, shopping for stage attire, learning choreography, and making sure everything was ready for the production. Kaylee and I ended up getting really sick the week before the show, and the doctor put me on 5 different medications. We were both holding on to the little bit of voices we had left...and I think we did the best we could with our performances (considering our health). The Christmas Experience was a huge success, and the community packed the Apollo to share in the joy that Christmas brings to us. Kaylee rocked her solo in the kids choir with her scratchy voice, and I cried every time she sang it. I was so proud of her!!

We finally had the time to put our tree up two days before Christmas, and even went to get family pictures taken on Christmas Talk about last minute, but we fit it all in just in time! Yeah it was way too crazy, and at times I was very stressed out...but we were still able to enjoy family time on Christmas day. I will not let our lives get that crazy again, because I had a pretty bad meltdown in front of some friends...and I can't let myself get to that point again. I think it was just everything hitting us at once, and then dealing with all of us being sick really wore our bodies out.

We feel better now, and we are eager to see what 2009 has for us! I am confident that God has so many wonderful things planned and we are excited to live out everyday the way He wants us to! Kennedy will be getting another MRI on January 7th at Children's Hospital to check the status of her tumor, and we know that we will have great results. So help us in prayer for the tumor to be either the same size or shrinking. Heck, pray that it has disappeared because we know all things are possible with God!!!